To operate our programs, Harvest Project relies on the generosity of the community. 100% of needed funds are given by individuals and households, businesses, foundations, religious organizations, service clubs, governments, and other organizations.

We also welcome grocery and clothing donations. Here’s a list of Most Needed Grocery Items – Spring 2025. You can shop for these and drop in Harvest Project bin that you will find in many North Shore grocery retailers, or drop-by our offices from 10am-4pm Tues-Fri or Saturday 10am-2pm. You may drop-off clothing donations at Harvest Project as well.

We invite you to share your cash or other financial donation – securely and conveniently:

  • Donate online: By clicking on the ‘Donate’ button above, or go to Our Community Cares: Harvest Project’s Seasonal Campaign
  • By eTransfer: Using your bank’s online Interac eTransfer function, make your donation to: “Harvest Project” and “
  • In-person or by mail: At 1073 Roosevelt Crescent, North Vancouver, BC V7P 1M4. Cheques payable to: “Harvest Project”
  • By phone: (604) 983-9488 x315 to speak with our Administrator
  • Automatic monthly giving: An excellent way to enable Harvest Project to plan effectively for our ongoing program costs. You can set up monthly giving via credit card by giving online and clicking “yes” to monthly donation. Or, you can set up monthly giving via bank debit or credit card by contacting our Administrator: (604) 983-9488 x315

Here are some other ways to support Harvest Project’s work in the community:

  • Gift a life insurance policy or include a gift in your will. NOTE – use our legal name ‘Change The World Foundation’ on your documents
  • Donate-A-Car: You can donate your vehicle to raise funds.
  • Gifting publicly-traded securities, such as stocks, bonds, or mutual funds: ‘Planned Giving’ is an effective way for you to leave a legacy in your community and manage your tax-issues. You can donate securities by following these simple directions:
  • Download the form below and send it to your broker or financial advisor
  • Your broker should contact and deliver the form to our agent, RBC Dominion Securities at the contact shown on the form (download and print form below)
  • Once the securities have been transferred to Harvest Project’s brokerage account, RBC Dominion Securities will advise us in writing of the receipt of the securities and the closing bid value on the day the securities were received into our account.
  • We will issue an official receipt to you, for income tax purposes, for the value as determined by RBC Dominion Securities.
  • It is our policy that securities, once received by Harvest Project’s broker, will be sold and proceeds transferred to our bank account.

DOWNLOAD: Donation of Securities Form

Note – ‘Change The World Foundation’ is our official name and should be used on legal documents. We do business as ‘Harvest Project’. We are a registered charity in the Province of BC: Charity #BN140525205RR0001

Harvest Project will mail tax-receipts following your donation of $20 or more and all donations made online will receive an emailed receipt.

To protect your privacy, we do not sell or rent our donors’ information and we protect all information with the strictest protocols.

Designated or restricted funds policy

All spending of funds is confined to operation of Harvest Project’s approved programs and projects. Each restricted contribution designated for a specific program or project will be used as designated with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met, or cannot be completed for some reason as determined by Harvest Project, the remaining restricted contributions designated for such program or project will be used where needed most as determined by the Board of Directors.